Monday, February 4, 2008


The deep green leaves invite you
To come and join their play
They glint and becon in the sun
Inticing you to stay.

A twill of vine curls 'round your wrist
and tightens in a knot
It slowly pulls you closer where
You catch the scent of rot.

But calming are the deep green leaves
And follow them you will
Step by step you inch forwards
Pulled in closer still.

A crowd of leaves tickle your face
You make a muffled sound
And suddenly you realize
Your arms and legs are bound.

An entourage of deep green leaves
Is all that you can see
You close your eyes and smell the rot:
Past victims of ivy.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Instead of Being Me.

Lonley is the web I weave,
I loath to be here so.
In my own dispair I grieve,
How did I sink so low?

Did the cloud cover my sun,
As I was basking so?
Forcing me to up and run,
Drop everything and go.

Leave me for so long to find,
I don't care for you now.
Make me leave my world behind,
And fix your broken vow.

I now see the big picture,
But I don't think you can.
I have no way to be sure,
Did you think you could plan?

I gave up a while ago,
Now please leave me alone.
You haven't a place to go,
Living a life of stone.

I hate you for all you did,
Please just don't talk to me.
Yes, I should have ran and hid,
Instead of being me.

Saturday, October 20, 2007


A circle is the oddest thing,
It's round as round is round.
As definite as real is not,
No start is to be found.

Its symmetry can't be ignored,
Whichever way you look.
It outlines holes and clocks and rings,
And pennies that you took.

It's old as time and long as life,
A never-ending bend.
A ceaseless chase around the earth,
Adventures to no end.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

A Love Lost

Excerpt from my blog: "Before I forget, we're doing the coolest thing in ELA. We're studying poetry, so what we did was we went into the library and picked out some poetry books. We flip through the poetry books and write down 5-10 lines that we liked on little slips of paper then put them into a box. The teacher mixes up the slips of paper and each table group goes up and gets 15 slips of paper to make a poem with. Our poem is SO GREAT."

I said we would speak of how long ago
We stood at night laughing and crying
And tried to catch the moon in a net.
I am afraid and I feel it is right
To be in a state, fighting until death,
I washed her in my tears.
If wishing damns us, she and I
Are damned to all our heart's content.
As lamps burned silent
With unconscious light,
She made the grass greener, even here with her grave,
Locked in a child's haunted world.
But here with the lean cold
Pushing the dim light from the stars,
Her spirit, must it lodge in shrine so frail?
But now there is no one to ask.
The wind passes over me, I do not feel it.
But faith and gloomy night encompass me around,
Forget the hurt I have not meant to do.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

I Wait

In the dawn when skies are clear,
I long for your presence here.
In the silence sweet as death,
I wait ‘neath the baby’s breath.

Through the wind that calls my name,
Through the hot and sizzling flame.
Through the ocean, deep and cold,
My patience outstands the old.

In the dark eye of the storm,
My dreams of you keep me warm.
In the middle of the night,
I see you, my guidance light.

So let the winds scream my name,
And let burn the raging flame.
Drain the ocean, deep and cold,
My patience outstands the old.

When the sun comes shining through,
I’ll be waiting here for you.
In the silence sweet as death,
I’ll wait ‘neath the baby’s breath.

-Stephanie and Sonya