Monday, January 15, 2007


Torn into fragments her soul rests
In the profound darkness of the night
Upon her sorrow she must dwell
A cruel world she protests

No longer can she despondently observe
The dissolution of her emotions
For her utmost lack of predilection
She feels she does not deserve

“Why most I go on in a state of abnegation?”
She asks with a forlorn expression upon her face
The lugubrious mindset she finds herself in
Is the root of her unmitigated frustration

When the day is done the sun shall set
She cares not for her continuance
A neoteric embarkation on another lifetime
When life comes to its demise a new one is met

Pursuing this epiphany she escapes this plane
Her soul transcends into the mystic blue
Away from this deplorable place in which we abide
To an allusive existence most arcane

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I Will Be Heard

Inch by inch, a moment grows
A moment too soon gone.
And of the old, a new one grows
To be again replaced.

And as the numbers multiply
Smaller I will become,
until nothing I will be.
A small fraction of what was.

Like puppets on a string,
We work in perfect harmony.
Voices we speak as one,
Clockwork, every gear in place.

Will this be the future?
Has this been the past?
I am not a statistic.
I will be heard.

Monday, January 8, 2007


Float upon a water lily
Head towards the sun
Release a cry of agony
Carry with you a gun

Transform into bright energy
A beauteous light
The gift to be joyously free
For those of true insight

Wander aimlessly in circles
Try to find a path
Attempt to buy the miracles
Feel the terrible wrath

Time begins to darken and fade
The fire slowly dies
Done is the pathetic façade
A lifetime in your eyes