Monday, March 26, 2007


Ok, so this is what I did here. I took a dictionary and opened it to a random page, then took the first word I found on the page. I then put that word in a line in the poem. The dictionary words are bolded.

The flicker in your eyes dies out
Your wounds too deep to mend
Within your rush to reach higher
You lost another friend

The quarrels left you sad and weak
Your falseness falls and dies
Beneath all your lucrative dreams
Lies truth without surprise

Wish I could reincarnate you
The joy you used to bring
Now highly cultured citizen
Pulled by government's string

You see no error in your ways
Your shield is your defense
Wander fields of delphiniums
You rid all that makes sense

Incinerate the thoughtless leaves
Survivors of the fall
Oppress the petals filled with dew
Disciples standing tall

During your rampant violence
Your name you owned was lost
Incapable to right your sins
Buckle under the cost


J.T.Iles said...

great poem

I'd like to contribute to this blog. Get back to me with details.

Duncan said...

Awesome, especially for flipping to random words. A bit dangerous, especially with someone that has such a sick mind.